Today, November 11th, the shows are held normally despite the rain.

For the last two sessions this Saturday, November 11th, conditional tickets are available after registration.
They allow access to the Parvis de Notre-Dame only if the organization considers it possible according to the affluence.

This show is free shall you book in advance one of the screenings offered. In order to attend one of the screenings on the Courtyard of Notre-Dame de Paris, it is necessary to register online with a simple and compulsory application. Please fill in the enclosed form and keep your ticket with you printed or on your smartphone. It will be checked at the entrance.

You can pick one of the following screenings :

Wednesday 8th November 2017
7:30 pm
9:00 pm

Thursday 9th November 2017
7:30 pm
9:00 pm

Friday 10th November 2017
7:30 pm
9:00 pm

Saturday 11th November 2017
8 pm (no more reservation available)
9:30 pm

Any trouble? Click on the following link